sábado, 20 de agosto de 2016

Back from the winter break

Hi there!!

Yesterday we met again after several weeks. Well, some of us did: there were several people absent....

I gave you back your term tests and provided feedback, both as regards contents and as regards language. We started dealing with chapter 14, on CLT, focusing mainly on its background.

For next class you must read chapter 14 (very few people had read it for yesterday's class....). You must also answer the questionnaire on this chapter that you can find in this blog. The answers are not to hand in, but you must have them ready to share in class. You should also read chapter 15 on The Natural Approach, and print the questionnaire on this chapter.

Next class we'll also organize the presentations you will have to deliver in groups from September 23rd onwards. You need to get into 5 groups (so that would be 4 groups of 4 and 1 group of 5). If you do not organize the groups, I will have to do it,... of course it is far better if you decide for yourselves, don't you think?

Well, now it's time to

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