domingo, 25 de junio de 2017

Class of June 23rd...

Hi there!!

On Friday we met again... most of you were anxious both about the results you were expecting and the term test you were about to have in English and its teaching....

In that context, we focused on having feedback on the term test:

  • general feedback (about attitudes, behaviour, etc)
  • linguistic feedback (about language mistakes in the test: and we introduced the difference between mistakes and errors)
  • content feedback (about some questions which turned out to be more problematic than others)

We also agreed on the date for the make up: July 14th. 

We did not use the little time we had left for discussing CLT because, as you were focused on the term test you were about to have, it did not seem advisable to get into new concepts.... 

For next class, please re read the chapter on CLT and finish answering the questionnaire (not to hand in but to discuss in class). Also, print the questionnaire on Natural Approach (but do not answer it).

That's all for now...

Resultado de imagen para have a great week

viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

Term test and others

Hi there!!

We have just had our first term test. I'll do my best to finish correcting for next Friday.

For next class, re read the chapter on CLT and finish answering the questionnaire.

Well...that's all for now. I hope you have a fabulous week!!

jueves, 8 de junio de 2017

Friday 9th


As I had let you know last Friday, tomorrow I will be absent, So we'll meet again on Friday 16th for the term test.

Resultado de imagen para have a great week

viernes, 2 de junio de 2017



Today we had a class on CLT. We only discussed some questions of the questionnaire... it is a very rich approach and there are many ideas to focus on.

Today we agreed, on the request of the majority, that the term test will be on June 16th. We are moving it forward one week so it does not coincide with the exam of English and its teaching I.

Bear in  mind that most likely I will be absent next week. (I will confirm so next Thursday, so make sure to check the blog!!).

The topics to be included in the term test are all we have studied so far: History of Language Teaching, the Nature of Methods and Approaches, Audiolingualism, Whole Language and the aspects of CLT we dealt with in class today.


Resultado de imagen para keep calm and study hard