viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Third class


How are you?? I'm guessing you are very well right now...

Resultado de imagen para have a nice long weekend

isn´t it??

Today (or I think I should already say yesterday) we finished working on chapter 1 on the history of language teaching. We had time to start dealing with chapter 2, but there is still most of the work on it to do.

For homework you should complete the questionnaire on chapter 2 (not to hand in, to share in class), and you should read chapter 4 on Audiolingualism.

Well...that's all for now.... Have a ...

Resultado de imagen para have a nice long weekend

sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Second class

Hi there!!

How are you?

Yesterday we met for our second class. First, we got into groups (determined by birth date). Second, you worked in groups on a questionnaire on the chapter about the history of language teaching. Finally, we started sharing the answers of the questionnaire (we did not finish... we'll continue next class)

For next class you should:

  • re read chapter 1 and the answers to the questionnaire (so you have ideas fresh in your mind when we discuss it)
  • read chapter 2 on The Nature of Approaches and Methods
  • print (only print; do not answer) the questionnaire on chapter 2 from this blog.
Also, I wanted to welcome the students who just started yesterday: Welcome Daniel Lempke, Mirian P., Paola and Milagros!!

Finally, I want to stress the importance of your reading for each class. Yesterday I could see that more than half the class had not read the material, which makes it more difficult and less enriching to work together. 

And now yes...

Resultado de imagen para happy weekend

Enjoy it!!!!

jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

In case you are interested

Hi there!!

A teacher I know is interested in selling the following used books..

Let me know if you are interested (or you know someone who is).

Resultado de imagen para happy easter

viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

Welcome to Didáctica II !!!

Resultado de imagen para welcome sign

Hi there!!

Today we had our first class together!! We did a couple of activities to get to know one another (since the more comfortable we learn the better we will learn together), and then we discussed some important aspects of the subject.

It is important that you remember:

  • You should always read the material for each class (so you can follow the classes and participate)
  • You should arrive on time: we have very little time together, let's make the most of it!
  • If you want to promote you should attend 60% or more of our classes, you should get 7 or more in both term tests and in every assignment we have during the year, you should participate actively in most classes and you must have the passed the final of Didáctica I by August)
  • You should frequently check the blog .
Please feel free to ask any questions you have!

We are meeting in two weeks now... remember to get the material from Milgraff and read chapter 1 on History of Language Teaching.

That's all for now...

It's been a pleasure to meet you all